Quality and sustainability

Stiglöv manufactures high quality products for safe mounting of plumbing and ventilation. We manufacture our suspension rings/cradles, suspension band and channels after the guidelines of the Swedish Boverket. More about fire rated suspension can be read in the Practical Solutions - Fire ventilation 2014 published by Swedish Ventilation.

Our policy
We are since 2002 certified acording to ISO 9001. With that, we strive to continually improve. We have high ambitions and measure delivery performance to customers, the numbers of discrepancies and constantly sets new goals to eliminate malfunctions in operations.
Our ambition is
- Deliver on promised delivery date.
- Deliver high quality and precise quantity of the order acknowledgement.
- Responsibility of our own work.
- Continuously improve our work in compliance with laws and regulations.

We want our products to contribute to a sustainable development in regards to climate, environment, health and living conditions. We work continuously with improvements in our operations to reduce all possible negative environmental impact. We maximize the use of material to reduce waste. We take our environmental goals seriously and work actively on achieving them.
We aim to continue to produce great products for the future that has little impact on our environment. We have therefore decided that all of our products has construction product declarations
Our certificates